Simpsonizers from all around the world, pour their heart out and, leave 143 messages for Cody!
"I luv u"
from Jake
"Coddyyyyyyy I lovve yooou"
- Anonymous
"Hi me and my Madeline lov u. U r soo hot and my fav cereal is cinnamon toast crunch too hahaha p.s.my name is nychorida "
- Madeline/nychorida
"CODY U R MY LIFE I LOVE U!!!! <3 <3 1-4-3 <3 <3"
- Kayla
"I love love love Cody Simpson (:"
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
"Cody is my true love"
- Anonymous
"I love u Cody u r my life luv u"
- Anonymous
" LOVE YOU SOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCHHHHHHH! plz marry me! ;) btw u have tons of fans who love u never 4get tht! :D u r such an amazing singer I wouldnt mind if u sang 2 me;) and ur SOOO cute and u r so sweet and u have an amazing sister and ur hilarious! And ur accent is so cute! ;)"
- Anonymous
"I love u Cody"
- Anonymous
"Marry me cody! <3<3 i am your BIGGEST fan!!!! Omgomgomg"
- Anonymous
"cody..i love you.<33 ur my role model my hero my every thing(: <33"
- Anonymous
"I love u 143"
- Anonymous
"I'm addicted to your music! I can't stop listening to it! Please visit Germany!"
- Isla, Germany
"OMG OMG OMG OMG im the worst simpsonizer in the world im obsessed someone help me ive got simpson pocks:)<3333 "
- Anonymous
"I love you Cody Simpson! Love from Colombia"
- Ana
"143 143 143 143 143 143 143 :)))))"
- Anonymous
"143 Cody! I love you soooooooo much! Please come to India!"
- Anonymous
"I love you Cody Simpson!!!!! <3 "
- Anonymous
"I love you soooo much so don't even think about Bella throne EVER again!! Please.... "
- Anonymous
"hi:D 143"
- Anonymous
"Love ya Cody xoxoxo"
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
"Cody i love you so much you are so hot please please come to ISRAEL we wait for you , I'm wait to you please come to here 1-4-3 (I Love You) <3"
- Anonymous
"I love u Cody xoxo "
- Anonymous
"Codyy I love u"
- Anonymous
"Cody please make another album and come down to atlanta ga!!!-pretty please with a 143 on top!!!! "
- Anonymous
"Cody i love you with all of my heart!my cousin told me about you when you were first discovered!and finally found a magazine with a huge poster of you in it ! I want to date you ! You are so amazing!I am falling in love!p.s i think you are so frikin hot! I found out you were coming to deitrot! I live in freeland."

- Anonymous