Check out all the 143 comments received over the past two weeks!!
"Hey Cody!!! I freaking love u!!"
- Anonymous
"I love you Cody!! You are perfect! 143"
- Marina Luz
"Cody is amazing her a good singer and one day i hope to meet him"
- Justine M
- Anonymous
"I love Cody Simpson!!!!! He is so hot"
- Anonymous
"I love the songs: all day, iYiYi, & round of applause."
- Anonymous
"Cody can't be described as some sweet cute guy, he's complex and perfect on all different kinds of levels. -I love you Cody <3"
- Anonymous
"cody simpson i luv you!!!!!!<3 i luv ur song iyiyi its my fav!!!! Ur the best ........ 143"
- Anonymous
"143 Cody! Love your music <3"
- Anonymous
"1 4 3 Cody <3"
- Anonymous
"I love you so much Cody!!!!!! And your sister allis pretty rockin too!"
- Anonymous
"x I love you x your a great guy and amazes and inspiree loooaaddddsssss of peepppsss x I did do and always will love you x promise x"
- Anonymous
"Hellooo :) just thought i'd you know that your absolutely gorgeous! I'm not even having a laugh<3 if I was to rate you out of 10 it would 1000000000 that's how amazing you are :) I'm your biggest fan over here in England. Please come over here and do a mini concert LOL love youu sooo much<3 143...<3"
- Anonymous
"I don't care what others say your perfect in every single way!<3"
- Anonymous
"U r sook cute I am ur biggest fan Eva love ya Cody lylab"
- Anonymous
"OMG cody 143"
- Anonymous
"I love Cody sooooooooo,much"
- Anonymous
"Hi again I just wanted to say YOUR SO SEXY! and o really wanna meet u! K bye"
- Anonymous
"Cody you are my life! I always have and always will support you and I know you will go far! I like you for who you are and not just that your singer and famous ... Lol I watched ALL of your YouTube vids Luv you lots Xoxoxoxo"
- Anonymous
"Hiiii Cody I apsalutley love your songs and I apsalutly love you!!!!! 143 from me anytime!!!!!!!! Xxxxxxxxxx"
- Anonymous
"I love your song All Day"
- Anonymous
"I love u so so much u should come to Edmonton"
- Anonymous
"I love cody so much."
- Anonymous
"Hey Cody. Your really hot. R u coming to Australia? If u are, come to adelaide."
- Anonymous
"Cody is my love<3"
- Anonymous
"omg Cody I love you I love all your songs to, I want to meet you so badly please come to vancouver !"
- Anonymous
"Iyiyi is the best song ever luv ya cody simpson !!!!:)"
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
"I love Cody Simpson!!"
- Anonymous
"Heyyy Cody!! I just wanted to say hi and I love your music!! Have funn!!"
- Anonymous
"You have no idea how much I want to meet you, no idea(L) your songs are da bomb, not to mention so are you! <3"
- Anonymous
"Hi :D I'm a big fan :)"
- Anonymous
"I <3 cody simpson 143"
- Anonymous
"Ur mega amazing!!!"
- Anonymous
"i am just a girl who found u online and i luv ur music thnx for being u and so talented :)"
- Anonymous
"I love u Cody"
- Anonymous
"Hi handsome"
- Anonymous
"I love Cody Simpson I get to meet him for the second time on April 20th!!!!"
- Anonymous
"I <3 Cody Simpson!! :)"
- Anonymous
"i love you cody 143"
- Anonymous
"143 cody soooooooooo much"
- Anonymous
"I love u Cody xoxo"
- Anonymous
"i love u"
- Anonymous